Sociology of Work

Showing 1-25 of 33 titles.
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Class-Conscious Coal Miners

Multifaceted study of Pennsylvania's coal miners during the post-World War One era.

Portraits of Public Service

Reveals the often-untold stories of front-line public servants.

Global Libidinal Economy

Claims unconscious desire plays a constitutive role in global political economy.

Feminists Reclaim Mentorship

Feminists revisit their mixed experiences of mentoring and being mentored to reclaim mentorship as a project for new generations.

Bitter Harvest

Explores the duality between humans and Earth through a focus on the economic system changes that began with grain agriculture and has now reached its apogee in global capitalism.

A New American Labor Movement

Describes how new kinds of direct-action labor movements are emerging to reshape American labor activism in the twenty-first century.

Capitalism for All

Demonstrates that a true liberal capitalism has the capacity to enable personal well-being while dealing with new challenges such as pandemics, climate change, and automation.

Sappho's Legacy

Examines women’s food cooperatives and local dining venues on the Greek island of Lesvos and how tourism, gender, and sexualities inform the creation of these alternative economies.

The New Welfare Consensus

Discusses the conservative ideological and political attack on welfare in the United States.

United University Professions

Tells the story of the nation's largest higher education union from its earliest years to its role today as a powerful organization promoting the interests of faculty, staff, and the entire SUNY community.

Undervalued Dissent

Uses two case studies to demonstrate how neoliberal reforms in India have de-democratized labor politics.

Austerity and the Labor Movement

An overview and analysis of austerity policies and labor movement resistance in several countries.

Sports and Labor in the United States

Overview and analysis of labor relations in the big four American sports.

The New Governance of Welfare States in the United States and Europe

Detailed examination of the territorial and governance dimensions of contemporary welfare reforms in the United States and Europe.

Making Globalization Work for Women

Explores the potential for trade unions to defend the socioeconomic rights of women.

Transgender Employment Experiences

Brings together the workplace experiences of transgender people with an assessment of current policy protections.

Shop Floor Culture and Politics in Egypt

Ethnographic study of textile factory workers in Alexandria, Egypt.

Foreign Workers in Israel

Explores how the entry of migrant workers into Israel raises questions beyond just those of the labor market.

Racial Competition and Class Solidarity

Looks at union organizing and strikes that were either strengthened by interracial cooperation or defeated by racial competition during the period between the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement.

Speculative Management

Argues that recent initiatives by industrial management were directed more toward short-term gains than improving efficiency.

Workers and Narratives of Survival in Europe

Chronicles the growing impact of job uncertainty on workers in Europe.

Higher Goals

Offers a fascinating ethnography of physicality and gender relations in women's team contact sports.

Embroidering Lives

Fusing aesthetic and economic perspectives in exploring the lives and work of women in the Lucknow, India embroidery industry, this book offers insights into anthropology of work and women’s studies.

Team Toyota

Examines the Toyota team culture as a conceptual framework and uses it to discuss related topics, such as workplace injuries, the implications of alienating assembly workers, and the role of women.

Conscience at War

An exploration of the moral and intellectual conflict of Israeli citizens who have resisted military service, and of how they justify their choices of action.